At 06:44 PM 07/29/97 PDT, Douglas Jardine wrote:
This isn't really a North American Operational issue, but I couldn't find a more appropriate list to post this on. Please bear with me. I do hope that some of the replies would be useful to network operators.
[1] From what I know, ANS was formed by Merit, IBM and MCI in 1990 to run the NSFNET backbone. Could somebody update me on the current status of ANS - i.e. after NSFNETs demise in 1995, did ANS become independent and does it qualify as an NSP in its own right?
See: http://www.ans.net/WhyChooseANS/Overview/History.html
[2] Is there an equivalent to NANOG for Europe and Asia and is there an equivalent list which discusses operational issues for these continents? Pointers appreciated.
Yes, for Europe there's the RIPE-discuss list (for which I don't have an immediate reference) and for Asia, there's the apops list: Asia Pacific Ops <apops@apnic.net>
[3] Is there a web page which lists all the public CIXs and NAPs around the world? Pointers appreciated.
Yes, see: http://www.isi.edu:80/div7/ra/naps.html
[4] Some recent threads on NANOG discussed physical layer issues like SONET, SDH, circuit layout etc. Could somebody point me to technical papers / articles / books which describe fiber and copper technology in detail.
Start visiting you local technical bookstore. :-) - paul