At 11:54 PM -0400 7/11/01, John Fraizer wrote:
On Wed, 11 Jul 2001, Jon O . wrote:
This is pathetic. Someone asks for help and you demean them with jokes.
Who was joking? I wasn't. I suppose that we should all start posting "HELP ME!" posts to NANOG instead of sending an email to/calling the NOC of networks with which we are having issues with DIRECTLY.
snip Have you ever tried emailing or calling the NOC of a Korean NSP for assistance? We recently ahem, "entertained" a huge (100Kpps +) DDOS from Korean IPs. Even UUnet couldnt block it. We lost that $30k/m customer. Anyone have the email address for the KrNOG list :-) jm unsnip
All the original poster did was add to the impact of the attack in question. The attackers can now say, "Look! We kicked SO MUCH BUTT THAT THEY HAD TO GO WHINE ON NANOG! WE RULE!"
your own network. However, I'm concluding from the type of behavior displayed that most of you manage nothing larger than a couple T-1s.
Think what you like. I'm sure it isn't the first you've been wrong and most likely won't be the last.
There is no solution to this problem.
OK. No solution? If that is the case, why are you wasting your time posting about it?
If I had posted the message the original poster did, I would have FULLY expected to be blasted/flamed/laughed at. What is your point?
Both of you are in my shitheads for life book and the only way to get out is to apologize to the poster, CC: nanog and ask a good question about the attacks so that we might all learn something.
The last time I checked, direct attacks and the use of foul language were both in violation of the NANOG AUP (Item #4). I believe it is YOU who owes an apology. [Note: Get him Sue!]
--- John Fraizer EnterZone, Inc