IMHO, anyone who wrote a business plan dependent on continuing recip comp deserves what they get. Sheesh. David Leonard ShaysNet On Thu, 14 Sep 2000, Brett Frankenberger wrote:
I hate to sound stupid, but isn't this the "ILECs put CLECs out of business act?" Exactly how will this impact any ISP that uses the ILEC's facilities?
Some ISPs have business models that include, directly or indirectly, making money from the reciprocal compensation fees paid by the ILEC. (Example: CLEC gives free phone line service to ISPs and makes it's profit off the compensation. ISP becomes dependant on the effective subisdy represented by the free phone lines and can't live with out it.) (Example: ISP becomes CLEC and depends on reciprocal compensation revenue to survive.)
Real CLECs -- those that try to serve a broad based market, rather than hack togethor a contrived market that will result in a high ration o finbound to outbound calls, will do fine in the absence of reciprocal compensation.
-- Brett