On Wed, 11 May 2005 15:02:29 PDT, Matt Bazan said:
bottom line is that in a few years everything will be virtualized and cosolodation will rule the land. there will be single turnkey solutions for the end user / corporate environment that will be infinitely configurable to meet the latest trends and needs. there will be no use for the small time 'innovator' or 'player' except in a purely academic environment.
Grandma Tilly wants to put a web page up with pics of the grandkids so Uncle Charlie (who's stuck guarding a sand dune outside Baghdad at the moment) can keep in touch. Google has to catch so many hits/second that they have a dozen hosting farms with multiple tens of thousands of servers at each farm. Yeah. One single infinitely configurable web hosting solution is going to work for both of them, and they will both be able to configure it without assistance. (You don't like that example, pick any two other diametrically opposed customer bases). And "virtualized"? ASP (Application Service Providers) were going to Change The Computing Environment. Googling for "application service provider" gets 2.3 *million* hits. Their *actual* impact? You tell me.