Paul Mansfield (paulm@uk.psi.com) wrote: [snip] Oh, I hate stepping in on this sort of argument.
Agreed that a lot of open relays seem to exist in JP... and there are significant numbers in Europe as suggested. The time zone and language differences are going to be a big PITA in terms of getting the problems sorted quickly. In Japan, they seem to think <postmaster> is optional!!!
If you have problems with a JP domain, send it to me and I will see who I can push, shove or generally embarrass in a public forum in the appropriate language. The address to send such complaints to will be "abuse@gol.ad.jp", the usual abuse rules apply, please don't expect personalised responses. <postmaster> is clearly optional, because reading RFCs is too. ^_^; More often than not, there is an auto responder there because there is no postmaster. (I kid you not.) Getting providers here to institute <abuse> and or even take any sort of measures against spamming by their own users is an uphill task. Peter ----( Postie, Abuse Dept and all-round dogsbody, @gol.com --