According to news reports, Cox communications has restored 85 percent of service in the Greater Baton Rouge area, but 60 percent of Greater New Orleans customers are still without internet. They assessed nearly 65 miles of damages to their network infrastructure in the New Orleans area. Cox statement: "As previously announced, credits will be provided to all residential customers who experienced outages due to Hurricane Ida. Any late fee charges assessed during this time will be reversed, and customers will not be charged for damaged Cox owned equipment. Our Storm Assistance Plan is also available to temporarily suspend services for up to 6 months at no charge if a customer needs to leave their home but doesn’t need to move services to another address." AT&T says their wireless network is operating normally in Louisiana. All wireline facilities remain online, although some continue to run on backup power. AT&T is waiving overage charges to provide unlimited talk, text and data in New Orleans through September 14, 2021. https://about.att.com/pages/disaster_relief/storm_ida.html T-Mobile and Sprint is waiving charges for talk, text, and unlimited data through September 10th in select Louisiana Parishes. https://www.t-mobile.com/news/community/t-mobile-responds-to-hurricane-ida Verizon says there are no longer any significant gaps in service anywhere throughout the storm-impacted areas in Louisiana. With commercial power restoration still potentially several weeks out, we will continue to maintain massive refueling and maintenance operations to ensure our permanent and temporary generators remain fully operational. There is still minor repair work to displaced antennas and damaged equipment. Verizon is waiving charges for New Orleans customers with unlimited talk, text and data through September 10, 2021. https://www.verizon.com/about/news/verizon-response-hurricane-ida