Oh, so all the fault belongs to the financial institutions, and there is no corruption within the government agencies themselves. Right. On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 9:58 AM, joel jaeggli <joelja@bogus.com> wrote:
On 1/30/13 6:33 AM, Jason Baugher wrote:
There is much talk of how many fibers can fit in a duct, can be brought into a colo space, etc... I haven't seen much mention of how much space the termination in the colo would take, such as splice trays, bulkheads, etc... Someone earlier mentioned being able to have millions of fibers coming through a vault, which is true assuming they are just passing through the vault. When you need to break into one of those 864-fiber cables, the room for splice cases suddenly becomes a problem.
The other thing I find interesting about this entire thread is the assumption by most that a government entity would do a good job as a layer-1 or -2 provider and would be more efficient than a private company. Governments, including municipalities, are notorious for corruption, fraud, waste - you name it. Even when government bids out projects to the private sector these problems are seen.
When a municipality issued a bond, bank of america and morgan stanley (and bear stearns) conspired to rig the bidding. Something they paid not insignficant fines over, though hardly enough to compensate the tax payers or municipalities at that bought them at uncompetitive terms.