On Sat, 11 May 1996, Alan Hannan wrote:
I run Internet-Net.net. I have a POP in every city w/ over 10,000 people.
Benefit: I gain low latency transit to most everyone.
Drawback: It is technically challenging to create an automate system to regionalize and create appropriate filter lists.
Perhaps this is a problem that's only challenging to the smaller folks, those of us w/out the nationwide DS3|OC3 networks. However, I do feel it's a worthy problem, and one that would benefit the NANOG community were it intelligently solved.
Here's another scenario. I run Web o' Wonder, the most popular web site on the net but magazine writers are complaining it is slow and unreliable. I hire a net guru who tells me the problem is I am too big for one site. She says I should install WWW servers at several geographically diverse locations, preferably at or near NXP's. She explains that the servers at my main site (all CNAMEs for www.web-o-wonder.com) will no longer serve documents but will determine the topological closest site to the client based on route server info and issue redirects to seamlessly and speedily serve the client documents from the site closest to them in the topology. Seems to me that this scenario would also benefit from a tool and database that could determine topological "closeness" even if it doesn't need to generate filter lists. If this scenario were easier to implement it could reduce the load of the major exchange points by encouraging traffic to stay closer to the network periphery. Michael Dillon Voice: +1-604-546-8022 Memra Software Inc. Fax: +1-604-546-3049 http://www.memra.com E-mail: michael@memra.com