Mitch Halmu wrote:
The service is functional, usable, and able to deliver mail to those destinations your organization or the other overseas rival gang have no control over. Some users left because of the blockade. Others stayed, because they understand the reasoning posted at http://www.dotcomeon.com
That *should* worry you. It shows that most Joe users hate Big Brother.
If use of the blackhole lists was mandatory, I would say that that last statment has some validity. Since it's completely optional, the statement has no validity. -- Tired of Earthlink? Get JustTheNet! Nationwide Dialup, ISDN, DSL, ATM, Frame Relay, T-1, T-3, and more. EARTHLINK AMNESTY PROGRAM: Buy a year, get two months free More info coming soon to http://JustThe.net, or e-mail me! B!ff: K3wl, w3'v3 r00t3D da N@vy... 0h CrAp, INC0M!Ng $%^NO CARRIER