William Herrin wrote:
On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 7:20 PM, Nolan Rollo <nrollo@kw-corp.com> wrote:
I've been trying to decide for a while what makes a good home for a Network Admin... access to physical, reliable upstream routes? good selection of local taverns? What, in your opinion, makes a good location for a Network Admin and where in the US would you find that? Hi Nolan,
Back in the days of lore when the Internet ran over telephone lines instead of the other way around, the most substantial long haul communications hub in the country was Northern Virginia's Dulles Corridor. More than any other area, leased lines to and from anywhere transited northern VA because that's how the long distance telephone infrastructure was built. Move the call here, switch it, move it back out. This made it the cheapest place to hub your Internet backbone. Indeed, the first large Internet Exchange Point, MAE-East was originally a FDDI ring at 8100 Boone Blvd, Vienna VA in the area known as Tysons Corner.
And here I thought all the submarine cables terminated in Moristown, NJ and Florida. Still DC is a nice place to live. Miles Fidelmn -- In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is. .... Yogi Berra