Here is a true story. Pardon me for being a little vague about details. Client in argument about (large) expense payments with former employee (FE) (not me, BTW). FE wants payment, client says money is not owed. I am in no position to judge correctness of either argument. FE used to have collation access in remote location (at least, remote from the client, but close to the FE). One fine Friday evening of a long weekend, quite late, FE goes to colo (where he has been removed from the access list). Shows ID to guards, who knew him well, and is let in, list or no list. FE goes to cage and removes router from colo, leaving a note, saying he will exchange router for money's owed. Takes router to a "secure location." Alarms go off at client HQ. People puzzle over dropped circuits, spend time trouble-shooting, other people are woken up. Eventually, as no progress is being made, "warm hands" are desired. With all this confusion and the late night weekend, it takes a number of hours before the warm hands reach the colo. When they open the rack door, they are asked to read off some status lights. What lights ?, they say. On the router. What router ?, they say. [long silence] There is an envelope with a note, though, report the warm hands. The FE got the money he wanted. The client got their router back. I am not sure if the guards were reprimanded or not. Regards Marshall On Dec 28, 2006, at 1:47 PM, Gaurab Raj Upadhaya wrote:
On Dec 28, 2006, at 3:49 PM, Joe Abley wrote:
I gave my Ontario drivers licence to Equinix security in LA, once, and they refused to accept it as proof of ID since it wasn't government issued. I said it was; they disagreed. I tried to explain that there was more than one government in the world, but I got blank looks, and had to head out back past building security and up to the roof in the adjacent parking garage to get my passport.
Hmm!! may be folks in San francisco don't care so much. last time i went to a San Francisco facility, i handed them my Nepalese driving license (no, wasn't carrying my passport), and they didn't blink at all. though when i came back, they did ask me what the hell an 'auto rickshaw' was :-).
Generally, as long as i had a pre-authorized ticket open for access to equipment, any form of ID with a picture has worked.
For some reason it seemed a good idea to get all my various passports while I was there (I have three), and when I made it back inside I handed them all over together. I realised about two seconds after handing them over that I was probably doing a stupid thing. A whole group of them appeared, and huddled around my passports with their backs to me. They seemed on the verge of calling the FBI.
They gave the passports back, eventually, and I didn't go to jail. So it could have been worse. :-)
-- gaurab
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