Will this work?
It would stop them using whichever hostnames you banned but do you really think this would stop them using the internet.
No, that wasnt my point. I just wanted to make sure that my understanding of banning a hostname was indeed correct. We can this way atleast block all websites with *alqaida* domain names. I wanted to know if the arguments of "freedom of speech" etc. apply to the Internet also, wherein somebody could argue that no central authority can stop somebody from expressing their thoughts, etc.
Terrorist1: Mmmm seems the internet community have put a stop to us using www.bombsrus.com Terrorist2: Ok right lets give up and strive for world peace instead.
I don't think so :)
Even i dont think so! :)
More likely they will (and already are) hiding behind very non terror sounding names, not a lot we can do about that really.