17 Aug
17 Aug
5:18 a.m.
greetings, On 08/16/2016 11:51 PM, John Levine wrote:
In article <CAN9qwJ-nH6gqrxy-K=GxKhbTzmzyC=8qA8AxO4DYvncxz5Dffg@mail.gmail.com> you write:
If it's critical I'd suggest a service than can depended on...
Pretty much any VoIP provider has an API you can use to send SMS for 5c each or less. Or if you're worried about your upstream connection dying, the cheap GSM modem is a good option.
R's, John
honestly, if the backhauls to your NOC go down, you will not be able to send email-to-sms messages at all. a dial-up solution with a fee is the best option, imho. also best to use a 'collapsible rover' to keep pages to a minimum ;) (with a proper nod to the internet of 1996) regards, J