21 May
21 May
4:12 a.m.
On Tue, 20 May 1997, Ben Black wrote:
cluelessness seems to be the prime requisite for employment at skyscape.
As well as being trigger shy! Come on, Marc, it's been a half hour; where's my disposition, huh? I don't see any Marshalls with subpoenas yet, Marc. All talk, no walk, is that it? Threaten until someone calls you on it, and then wimp out. I am complicit in the conspiracy! I have conspired to violate the 1896 Sherman Antitrust Act and the Racketeering Acts, all to deny Marc Hurst his rightful place in the DNS TINC Cabal! Sue me, Marc, sue me!
On Tue, 20 May 1997, Marc Hurst wrote: (Some crap)
-- Todd Graham Lewis