On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 6:54 PM, David Conrad <drc@virtualized.org> wrote:
I don't understand why anyone thinks NAT should be a fundamental part of
On Apr 28, 2010, at 2:38 PM, Carl Rosevear wrote: the v6 internet
Perhaps the ability to change service providers without having to renumber?
Couldn't we use link scope (or other local) addresses to local networks, and have gateways that do 1:1 translation between those addresses and PA space ? Call it NATv6, whatever. Nobody is going to remember addresses by hand, name servers (DNS or local scope as avahi) will be the rule. And DHCPv6 (or router advertisement) is how you provide your hosts access. Maybe internal servers, such as smbfs or NFS, could be only at link scope addresses? No need to renumerate, and full protection from outsiders.
Regards, -drc
Seriously, Felipe