Barry, You're wasting your time. It would be nice if there was actually public accountability in ANY of the DNS and IP space issues. In my opinion, today: There is not. My prediction is that: There will not be in the future. Not now, not in the near future, and not, barring a major deviation from the direction the US and other governments are taking today, in the far future either. If you like tilting at windmills, have at it. Or just solve the problem for yourself by blocking everything from any TLD and IP range that offends you. I know leaving everyone else twisting isn't nice, but its reality. -- -- Karl Denninger (karl@denninger.net) http://www.mcs.net/~karl I ain't even *authorized* to speak for anyone other than myself, so give up now on trying to associate my words with any particular organization. On Wed, Sep 30, 1998 at 03:40:15PM -0400, Alex Kamantauskas wrote:
On Wed, 30 Sep 1998, Barry Shein wrote:
In support of this assertion I want to show you an SMTP conversation with what claims to be the Consulate of the Government of Tonga in San Francisco (This San Francisco office is listed as an official Tongan contact point for visas etc by the US State Dept):
world% telnet sfconsulate.gov.to 25 Trying Connected to sfconsulate.gov.to. Escape character is '^]'. 220 colo.to SMTP ready, Who are you gonna pretend to be today? VRFY postmaster 500 Bloody Amateur! Proper forging of mail requires recognizable SMTP commands!
Well, beyond the cutesy error messages, at least relaying is turned off.
fz(alexk):[~] telnet sfconsulate.gov.to 25 Trying Connected to sfconsulate.gov.to. Escape character is '^]'. 220 colo.to SMTP ready, Who are you gonna pretend to be today? helo tugger.net 250 colo.to Is thrilled beyond bladder control to meet tugger.net mail from: alexk@tugger.net 250 sender is alexk@tugger.net, (yeah sure, it's probably forged) rcpt to: alexk@freetld.net 550 NOPE UNKNOWN(, I don't allow unauthorized relaying.
Viewing the web page for the Tongan Consulate in the US (http://sfconsulate.gov.to) reveals nothing but an ad for a software company, this page ends with:
Need a domain name? Contact the Kingdom of Tonga Internet domain name registry.
Consequently, I assert there is no reason for this domain to exist and it should be removed from the root name servers.
-- -Barry Shein
Software Tool & Die | bzs@world.std.com | http://www.world.com Purveyors to the Trade | Voice: 617-739-0202 | Login: 617-739-WRLD The World | Public Access Internet | Since 1989 *oo* - Send 'unsubscribe' in the body to 'list-request@inet-access.net' to leave. Eat sushi frequently. inet@inet-access.net is the human contact address.
-- Alex Kamantauskas Tugger Networks
- Send 'unsubscribe' in the body to 'list-request@inet-access.net' to leave. Eat sushi frequently. inet@inet-access.net is the human contact address.