Seems to be an 11.1(x) and beyond command - I find it on 11.1(8), but not where I'm still running 11.0(11). - steve h -
---------- From: Craig A. Huegen[SMTP:c-huegen@quadrunner.com] Sent: Monday, May 05, 1997 10:33 AM To: Sean Donelan Cc: nanog@merit.edu Subject: Re: set community no-export
shOn Sun, 4 May 1997, Sean Donelan wrote:
==>It also seems to confuse the heck out of the support folks when they ==>need to troubleshoot things. It would really be nice if cisco's had ==>a "show ip bgp neigh xxx out" command that showed what you are telling ==>your neighbor. Essentially the inverse of the "show ip bgp neigh xxx ==>route" command.
In later versions:
IOS (tm) 4500 Software (C4500-I-M), Version 11.1(9), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
li-rt-01#show ip bgp nei w.x.y.z ? advertised-routes Display the routes advertised to an EBGP neighbor