On Mon, 17 Sep 2007 17:15:38 EDT, John Curran said:
In addition, if the AAAA record is added for the node, instead of service as recommended, all the services of the node should be IPv6- enabled prior to adding the resource record. "
Not a problem for names which are single services (www.foo.com), but caution is required when the name has multiple services running.
My favorite shoot-self-in-foot on that topic - I stuck a quad-A in for a host that *was* IPv6-enabled on the production service, but it didn't have (at the time) an IPv6-ready ssh daemon. Hilarity ensued when using an IPv6-enabled ssh client - you'd get back an RST packet real fast and it was Game Over. So remember - there's probably more services you need to worry about. ;)