Well, it has been some time since I posted this, and the responses have died down. Here is a sumary of the responses. They came in a couple of categories. For management of hubs (port deactivation, etc), there were several responses that all essentially said that they script their own using the snmpwalk ucd-snmp packages, and that their solutions were not available for outside use. For statistics, several people (including myself) use mrtg (http://ee-staff.ethz.ch/~oetiker/webtools/mrtg/mrtg.html) Is there anyone out there that knows of managment toools that missed the first query? It suprises me that managable hubs sell so well if the only tools to manage them are the Openview/Optivity solutions and whatever people cobble together themselves. Thanks to all that responded. Matt
Sat, 30 Jan 1999 14:30:24 MST Since the System monitoring query had such good results, I am going to try a variation. I am looking for SNMP management tools (windows or Unix) that can use multiple MIBS for an environment with hubs from several different vendors. The tools need not be GUI, and I am espically interested in 'free' tools. The functionality I am looking for includes (but is not limitted to):
gathering port / board pps and bps information port link status the ability to determine what port an IP addresses / MAC addreses is connected to enable / disable ports reset hub / hub management
Don't bother reporting on Openview and Optivity...I know about those :-)
Please send responses to me personally (with URLS or other appropriate pointers) and I will digest / sumarize them and send them to the list.