On 17/12/2007, Alain Durand <alain_durand@cable.comcast.com> wrote:
Apparently, from what I have gathered from other french people, Free has rolled out a variation of 6to4 using their own prefix instead of the well known 2002::/16. As they control their home gateway, this was fairly easy for them to do and did not require much core infrastructure change.
There is an French ISP named Nerim who provides native IPv6 connexions on xDSL links and dial-up (not much used) since 2002-2003. Mostly everything from servers and core network is dual stack, and while the ISP is not as large as today's Free.fr, it was the third DSL operator in France by then. XS4All (Netherlands) is providing the same service if I correctly remember. -- Vassili Tchersky vasily@chersky.ru