At 12:00 PM 5/24/2001, you wrote:
Got two emails in reasonably close order (this follows an argument about Netsol selectively deleting emails from the DP archive)
A couple of days ago, someone posted the details and content of a $180 million lawsuit filed against NSI/VeriSign and some of it's top officers by a former director of the company. In this lawsuit he makes several allegations, mainly regarding racial and job discrimination but also including allegations of specific incidents he was privy to in which NSI (and then VeriSign) lied to Dept. of Commerce, ICANN, NTIA, etc.; stole domains for big customers and important personages, and generally played dirty. Some other former NSI/Versign employees posted that the allegations fit corporate rumors and could likely have merit. Then, suddenly and with absolutely NO warning - the list was killed. Suspicious? Highly since the list has been used as an information conduit by VeriSign/NSI and several of their people had official prescences on the list. Amazing that it was taken down at *this* point and with no notice. Dean Robb www.PC-Easy-va.com On-site computer services Member, ICANN At Large