I sincerely hope those former coworkers can hook up some invitations to the Mansion. If you can make that work, have I got a deal for you.. ;) On 12/11/13, 3:03 PM, "jamie rishaw" <j@arpa.com> wrote:
That was my first thought as well.
"Well, I don't swing that way but I have an ex coworker or two at Playboy that might be able to give you a pointer, no pun intended"
On Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 11:10 PM, Larry Sheldon <LarrySheldon@cox.net>wrote:
On 12/10/2013 8:21 AM, Nilesh Kahar wrote:
Which is a good BRAS product, to handle 15000 subscribers sessions with full QoS & other features?
Victoria's Secret has some nice ones.
-- Requiescas in pace o email Two identifying characteristics of System Administrators: Ex turpi causa non oritur actio Infallibility, and the ability to learn from their mistakes. (Adapted from Stephen Pinker)
-- "sharp, dry wit and brash in his dealings with contestants." - Forbes If voting didn't matter, the GOP wouldn't make it more difficult than buying a gun. /* - teh jamie. ; uri -> http://about.me/jgr */