On 8/18/05, Daniel Golding <dgolding@burtongroup.com> wrote:
There are actually perfectly valid reasons for not blocking such sites, even if you feel (as I do) that jihadis are the enemies of civilization.
<politics> Enemies of Civilization? The defensive Jihad going on is simply a War on US policies and defense of their land. It's simply outrageous that after all the coverage and books that have been written on this subject (sept 11, bin laden, jihad, muslim fundamentals) that some/most Americans still think that radical islamists hate Americans, Freedom, and Democracy. It's simply false; radical islamists hate American military on their land, Americans defending and arming radical muslim dictators (think Saudi), who prosecute and murder their people, and the western world exploiting their countries natural resources, oil , to be sold at below fair market value. They don't hate you or I, the only thing they hate is US policy, if it were to change so would the world (for now). Why were the sept 11 Hijackers Saudi? Because they hate the US support of the dictators who are oppressing them. By the way, where is the plane? Can anyone show proof of a plane hitting the pentagon? A plane, debris, engines, luggage, remains? </politics>