On 16/12/2012 02:26, David Conrad wrote:
The UMD folks are making a change to _their_ infrastructure.
as is their prerogative. It's just that they happen to operate a particular chunk of Internet infrastructure which is pretty important in the scale of things.
They have sent out a notice in advance of that change to folks who might be interested. They were under absolutely no obligation to do so. There is no contractual or service level agreement between UMD and _anyone_ that requires them to do _anything_ with regards to root service.
yep, absolutely.
The fact that they gave 3 weeks notice that they were changing the IP addresses of their server shows they are nice folks. Neither you nor anyone else that uses "D" has any right to dictate how UMD operates their infrastructure, how much notice to give when making changes to that infrastructure, who gets notified, etc.
No-one's dictating: I'm just asking them politely to take some suggestions into consideration - suggestions which no-one has so far pointed out as being unreasonable, and which I would tend to view as being procedurally sensible and good things to do. That's all. Nick