And how exactly would you interpret the number returned by net_loss (int), in a column called "LOSS", in reference to reachability of a "hop" between two end points: int net_loss(int at) { if ((host[at].xmit - host[at].transit) == 0) return 0; /* times extra 1000 */ return 1000*(100 - (100.0 * host[at].returned / (host[at].xmit - host[at].transit)) ); } ? Thanks, Stef Network Fortius, LLC On Sep 6, 2005, at 7:45 AM, Robert E.Seastrom wrote:
Network Fortius <netfortius@gmail.com> writes:
Anybody having any idea why such a high packet loss on lever3's network, in Chicago?
End-user misinterpreting output from MTR. This network does not appear to have any packet loss end-to-end.
Stef:~ scm$ mtr -r www.yahoo.com ... tbr1-p010802.cgcil.ip.att.net 0% 16 16 15.12 24.21 49.26 ggr2-p310.cgcil.ip.att.net 0% 16 16 13.18 42.66 118.99 so-1-1-0.edge1.chicago1.level3.net 0% 16 16 14.48 35.84 126.48 so-2-1-0.bbr1.chicago1.level3.net 63% 6 16 14.44 43.74 79.97
^^^^^^^ as-1-0.bbr2.sanjose1.level3.net 0% 16 16 61.95 80.64 176.01 ge-10-2.ipcolo3.sanjose1.level3.net 0% 16 16 63.37 95.61 148.46 unknown.level3.net 0% 16 16 63.34 86.46 168.62 unknown-66-218-82-217.yahoo.com 0% 16 16 62.09 88.91 127.58 p4.www.scd.yahoo.com 0% 16 16 64.51 89.96 183.79
TIA, Stef Network Fortius, LLC