Looking at a handful of images and listings online, it appears at least some (?) are Samsung - for example, HP 816562-B21 is just a rebadged Samsung MZ-ILS4800.

Unknown whether it only affects the HPE digitally signed firmware, or all firmwares, though.

On Tue, Nov 26, 2019 at 3:58 PM <nanog08@mulligan.org> wrote:
Since this is a SSD manufacturer problem does it impact other servers
that might have SSD from the same manufacturer???

HP hasn't said who the manufacturer is?


On 11/26/19 1:45 PM, Patrick W. Gilmore wrote:
> I do not normally post about firmware bugs, but I have this nightmare scenario running through my head of someone with a couple of mirrored HPE SSD arrays and all the drives going POOF!  simultaneously. Even with an off-site backup, that could be disastrous. So if you have HPE SSDs, check this announcement.
> https://support.hpe.com/hpsc/doc/public/display?docId=emr_na-a00092491en_us

Alex Buie
Technical Support Expert, Level 3 - Networking
Datto, Inc.
475-288-4550 (o)
585-653-8779 (c)

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