Are there any providers that target someone with my desires? What providers do NANOG folks use for their _personal_ needs?
none at all, we choose NOT to make ourselves dependant on external suppliers as far as posibble and this includes NOT having SSL which is lacky in encryption, as well as overal security (bufferoverflows and what not) anyway, as well as "external parties" having YOUR keys. (whomever came up with that idea must work for some other government or have been on crack ;) in short: no go, just encrypt your layer 2/3 if you don't trust the "way there" with a mechanism of your own, not supplied by un screened third parties (quite sure verybad notwork solution is full of cia spies, but we have none of ours in there, so screw them ;)
-- Leo Bicknell - bicknell@ufp.org - CCIE 3440 PGP keys at http://www.ufp.org/~bicknell/