On Wed, 27 Jan 1999, William Allen Simpson wrote:
I don't know how many other small/dialup ISPs are seeing this problem. BellSouth just turned it on in our area. Sent our support calls through the ceiling during busy evening hours.
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 14:39:31 -0600 Subject: Please Help Us From: "Howard Shere" <hshere@watervalley.net>
BellSouth recently added a feature to your phone service called "Busy Connect". This service plays a recording whenever you dial and get a busy signal offering to keep trying the number for 75 cents. This service will interfere with your modems ability to detect a busy signal and your computer will report that "the computer you are dialing is not answering" or some similar message.
2 weeks ago BellSouth told us that this service was on our lines and we asked that it be removed. They told us that this would solve the "no answer" problems that our customers were reporting. We have continued to get complaints from customers about "no answer" problems and when we talked to BellSouth today, we were told that this service was on our customers lines and not on ours. We are not sure why we were given the wrong information when we first reported this trouble.
We are asking that all of our customers call BellSouth and ask to have this service removed. They have refused to help us directly and have said that the only way to have this service removed is for our customers to call them directly.
We've had the same up here in Canada for a while now, very annoying for customers. Anyhow, if you do *02 (Bell here uses DMS), it disables it forever (we'll until you do *02 again). We've actually put that message on our TechSupport quick tips music when you call in to report a problem... Why does technology have to be so annoying sometimes :) Later Cyril Jaouich [CJ837] --------------------- ACC NETWORK OPERATIONS EASTERN CANADA/US ---------------------------------------- Only 8117 hours before Y2K, will you be compliant?