On Mon, 02 Dec 2013 20:56:13 -0500, Leo Bicknell <bicknell@ufp.org> wrote:
- A /56 is horribly wrong and the world will end if we don't fix it NOW.
I'm reminded of the Comcast trial deployments. Wasn't their conclusion (with a collective thumbs up from the networking world) to go with /56? Yet, even they are handing out little old /60's.
I would love to know what number of home users need 256 subnets. The good news is that folks doing DHCP-PD will be able to report on how many people request all 256 networks available, and are thus "out". In fact they can make a histogram from 1 to 256 networks per household, and show us how many request each number of subnets.
It doesn't work that way. Routers aren't asking for individual prefixes ('tho I suppose it's possible.) They ask for a /60 or /56, and then assign the space as necessary. Thus, the ISP has no idea how many /64's are actually being used.