Well . . . most people may not think satellites stand a chance but Bill Gates and Craig McCaw seem to think they do. Teledesic is planning build a long-haul communications network based on low earth orbit birds. In the past neither of these guys have been too stupid so I wouldn't rule out satellite communications just yet. Just my .02 worth, Chad ------------------------------------------ Chad Skidmore VP Operations & Engineering Data Source, L.L.C. http://www.dsource.com cskidmore@dsource.com
-----Original Message----- From: Todd Graham Lewis [SMTP:lists@reflections.eng.mindspring.net] Sent: Sunday, June 01, 1997 1:07 AM To: Circuit Cc: North American Network Operator Goobers Subject: Re: connectivity outside the US
On Sun, 1 Jun 1997, Circuit wrote:
comments, rants, flames?
Do satellites really stand a chance against fibre? Most people think not, and more specifically that their competitiveness shall continue to decline as time progresses. Not exactly the kind of thing one wants to lay out large capital expenditures on...
Of course, I'm just a tool of conventional wisdom, as poorly conveyed by the media, when it comes to these issues. Sean, if you're still a jobless bum then you should consider starting your own newsletter. 8^)
-- Todd Graham Lewis MindSpring Enterprises tlewis@mindspring.com