30 Mar
30 Mar
5:07 a.m.
On Thursday, March 29, 2012 7:03 PM, Brian R. Watters <mailto:brwatters@absfoc.com> wrote: [snip]
Fast Ether has always been set @ auto
Just in case you missed it, I would echo Brielle's earlier advice: please try forcing both laptop and the FE it's plugged into to 100/Full, auto disabled, and try your tests again. I feel like this thread has developed an unhealthy fixation with the GE <-> Comcast segment when it's just as likely that it's working perfectly fine and the problem is between Laptop <-> FE. :-) For whatever reason, I have historically had very bad luck/experience with 7200 FE interfaces and auto-negotiation, FWIW. -- Nathan Anderson First Step Internet, LLC nathana@fsr.com