Fergie (Paul Ferguson) wrote:
Overlooking the point that this kind of smells like a pitch for Staselog, I'd be curious to hear of this is an issue on ISP bandwidth management radar... or already is...
I've been asked this question repeatedly almost as long as we've had the traffic engineering / classification capabilities in our product. The great change towards encrypted p2p protocols has always been "just moments away" for the last three years. In this time we've seen the predominant p2p protocol to change from Kazaa to eDonkey, from eDonkey to DirectConnect and from there, to BitTorrent. The fraction of traffic classified as "other" has been 2-4% of total since we shipped. Obviously the fact that the world has not changed in the past is no proof that it will not in the future. If it does towards increased privacy and encryption, I'm all for the change. Pete