From Rootshell's own page: "On Wed Oct 28th at 5:12AM PST the main Rootshell page was defaced by a group of crackers. Entry to the machine was made via SSH (secure shell) which is an encrypted interface to the machine at 04:57AM PST this morning. Rootshell was first informed of this incident at 6:00 AM PST and
It was yesterday morning actually. the site was immediately brought offline. The site was back up and operational by 8:00AM PST. We are still in the process of investigating the exact methods that were used. The paranoid MAY want to disable ssh 1.2.26. Rootshell runs Linux 2.0.35, ssh 1.2.26, qmail 1.03, Apache 1.3.3, and nothing else. The attackers used further filesystem corruption to make it harder to remove the damaged HTML files." It could have been ssh, qmail, Apache, or some script they ran on the server that caused the root compromise. SSH was just the way they got in, probably after they compromised root. My only question is, if they were running ssh-1.2.26, why Kit points to the ssh2 protocol specs in his posting? Doesn't ssh-1.2.26 only support ssh ver1 specs? Joe On Thu, 29 Oct 1998, neil wrote:
Hi there. Apparently rootshell.com pages had been hacked this morning by crackers using ssh-1.2.26.?
Any got more news about this event,
"May you live in interesting times" by chinese ppl