On 9 Mar 2000, Sean Donelan wrote:
There is a barely used $50 million center in Washington we can probably buy real cheap if folks think we'll ever need an emergency response coordination center in the future.
Sounds like something CERT was setup to do. They were started back in 1988 after the Morris worm to act as an incident response team and communications center during incidents. How successful they are has yet to be seen. I personally think they take the interests of corporate entities a lot more seriously than they are concerned about security. The problem with initiatives that rely on voluntary participation by organizations is that there are too many "trade secrets," "proprietary technology" and even some bad blood to get things done. Some people just don't want to play nicely. This is probably the biggest shortcoming of the Internet and it's potential. Everyone "cares" about security until it's time to get their hands dirty and interact with others. joe