At 12:30 PM -0400 8/2/97, Martin Hannigan wrote:
Ack! You put 'datablast.net' in their Marty! :)
[ snip ]
But please, don't send me "please remove X cause they're really decent". Corporate reputations are built on a foundation of cooperation and trust; when an ISP tolerates bad behavior despite constant complaints from the community, they quickly lose that trust.
I agree. I wish there was a better way to distribute information regarding spammers other than NANOG. If there is, I'd love the pointer. As far as trust, there's no reason not to trust what I say will be done. Unless of course it's not done. Anyhow..[..]
Since NANOG is for technical issues, this is the only "position" mail I'll post concerning the "who is on the list" issue. Please send me private mail if you'd like to discuss it further.
I agree with you, but a link pointing to technical operational documents advocating the blocking of an *ISP* has just been propagated to a lot of souls with the power to crush this domain and I feel it is imperative I at least make a statement. Overall, our position is this: Datablast.NET is an ISP we resell services to and provide service bureau activities for. While they have been recently victimized by multiple spammers on the Internet, they are not responsible in so far as they allow them to do it. Frankly, I am responsible since we haven't "done the work" to make it stop. I just started here at TIAC a few weeks ago and this is on my priority list. Now, since it's been propagated in a place that can basically destroy this ISP, it's been moved up on my plate. We will implement all the measures that are techically possible. Now, a rhetorical question. Should AOL be packet filtered since many spammers abuse them? Of course not. In fact an ISP with a large customer base would basically get slapped around by it's users. It just can't be done. In the meantime, if someone on this list finds they are being spammed by datablast or TIAC, you can email me directly if you'd like and we'll act. I've set the reply-to back to me, but if someone *can* see an operational value. Please feel free to change it. And I have no excuses. -- Martin Hannigan (hannigan@tiac.net) Voice: 617-932-2000 TIAC - Network Operations Semper Cabalis Network Engineer http://www.tiac.net