Michael Dillon <michael@memra.com> wrote:
randy@psg.com (Randy Bush) wrote:
Market forces have been shown to be a more efficient mechanism to determine "need" than central planning when no objective and easily measured criteria can be determined.
With "No objective and easily measured criteria," it would seem to be hard to measure efficiency.
The point is that without "objective and easily measured criteria" it is flat out impossible for central planning to produce anything approaching an efficient outcome.
Historically, open markets have worked well sometimes and not worked others.
This is kind of a meaningless statement without some examples. How is anyone to glean anything from it without some idea of what conditions you think it will or won't work well under? At any rate, I don't recall Michael using terms like "worked well", etc. His claim was that it was "more efficient". I might not like the way it would shake out, but if certain conditions were to exist (ownership, ability to change prices easily to match demand, technological alternatives to getting more IP's, etc.) then the result would be the "most efficient."
Pre-judging how one might work in IPv4 addresses would seem hubris.
Once again, this statement doesn't really say anything either. Does this mean that we shouldn't do anything? Any course chosen would require "pre-judging" by this criteria, after all. If you'd like to present reasons why you are skeptical about market forces providing an efficient mechanism then go ahead. Pointing out that Michael (or you, or I, or anyone) can't predict the future with a 100% accuracy seems... well, pointless. Matt