[ On Thursday, February 22, 2001 at 16:12:16 (-0500), John Hawkinson wrote: ]
Subject: Re: rfc 1918?
Not everyone agrees whether it is better to filter or not to filter, but there are good arguments on both sides.
Man oh man, but do you ever sound like a broken record. There are still, even including this most recent thread, no technical arguments, good or otherwise, on the side of not filtering RFC-1918 addresses, yet there's a mountain of widely accepted and generally authoriative documentation, not to mention good common sense, that strongly advises to do the filtering everywhere possible. All we've seen so far are poor excuses for perpetuating other people's poor configurations. Can you please try to find at least one even minor technical argument for not filtering RFC-1918 addresses before you try again to give this idea any more credit? (I might sound like I'm repeating myself too, but I don't think my record is broken.... :-) -- Greg A. Woods +1 416 218-0098 VE3TCP <gwoods@acm.org> <robohack!woods> Planix, Inc. <woods@planix.com>; Secrets of the Weird <woods@weird.com>