By the way they now say in this KB article that they implemented a «high performance mode» for MX204 / MX10003 with some «set chassis fpc slot high-performance-mode». Anyone wiling to test? :)
Le 2 sept. 2019 à 15:23, Denys Fedoryshchenko <nuclearcat@nuclearcat.com> a écrit :
From snabbco discussion, issue #1013, "If you read Intel datasheets then the minimum packet rate they are guaranteeing is 64B for 10G (82599), 128B for 40G (XL710), and 256B for 100G (FM10K)."
But "hardware", ASIC enabled routers such as MX might be not better and even need some tuning. https://kb.juniper.net/InfoCenter/index?page=content&id=KB33477&actp=METADATA "On summit MX204 and MX10003 platforms, the line rate frame size is 119 byte for 10/40GbE port and 95 byte for 100GbE port."