7206 is one of the _BEST_ Cisco routers, if we compare all parameters ((including numbert of bugs and simplicity). ----- Original Message ----- From: "Robert E. Seastrom" <rs@seastrom.com> To: "Alexander Hagen" <alexander@etheric.net> Cc: <charlie@nextweb.net>; "'Alexei Roudnev'" <alex@relcom.net>; "'Mikael Abrahamsson'" <swmike@swm.pp.se>; "'Tom (UnitedLayer)'" <tom@unitedlayer.com>; <nanog@merit.edu>; <rs@seastrom.com> Sent: Monday, April 26, 2004 4:44 AM Subject: Re: Cisco Router best for full BGP on a sub 5K bidget 7500 7200 or other vendor ?
"Alexander Hagen" <alexander@etheric.net> writes:
What about a 7505 w/ RSP4/256 and 2 VIP 2-50/128s with 4 PA-FE-TXs.
For additional port density a 3550 ?
What is better about the 7206 VXR ?
Fewer software bugs, simpler platform, half the vertical space in the rack, redundant power supplies, built-in faste on the IO controller (if you get that kind).