Did that mean that your job was to ensure that the guillotine was sharpened and engineered securely? -- ---------------------- Brian Raaen Network Engineer braaen@zcorum.com On Wednesday 31 March 2010, Jens Link wrote:
Steve Bertrand <steve@ibctech.ca> writes:
For instance, I like to present myself as a 'network engineer'. I have never taken formal education, don't hold any certifications (well, since 2001), and can't necessarily prove my worth.
Hey, network engineer is good. Some time back someone gave me the title "senior executioner security engineer". They even send a document to a customer with this title.
Jens -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Foelderichstr. 40 | 13595 Berlin, Germany | +49-151-18721264 | | http://blog.quux.de | jabber: jenslink@guug.de | ------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------