At 10:45 AM 5/17/2006, bmanning@vacation.karoshi.com wrote:
well Peter, ONE root server operator has that practice. Others have different practices regarding anycast.
And there are many, with many TLD's. (rough counts) provider/tld's UDNS 48 ISC 19 PCH 8 PSG 23 ICANN 4 UUNET 61 RIPE 87 DEC 10 NIC.FR 71 Note: There is cross servicing of TLDs counted above. Some numbers may seem low since there seems to be some bit of obfuscation. Or perhaps not and I just haven't confirmed. Some are anycasted, some appear to be physical separations, and some appear to be nested and anycasted i.e. multiple names for the same domain anycasted. I think naming is a bad choice because it's costly to the users and opens the root up to custom configuration by customers which I think is bad. Tagging the route with a community containing the ISO corresponding country could be interesting for location purposes, but of course, that's already been thought of. :) -M< -- Martin Hannigan (c) 617-388-2663 Renesys Corporation (w) 617-395-8574 Member of Technical Staff Network Operations hannigan@renesys.com