On Fri, 12 Aug 2005, Greenhagen, Robin wrote:
Does anyone else require HICAP loop installs to be after hours? What experiences have you had (good or bad) with getting the carriers to do their work during off-peak hours for a reasonable fee?
We've done off-hours turnups before, at my previous job with a decent-sized ISP. Some would come back with an off-hours turnup fee which we would turn around beat up our sales rep for, and they would usually reduce or waive it. Most of the fees were pretty low, like $500 or so. $5-$10k seems exorbitant for what amounts to a 'no shutdown', doing some basic acceptance testing and maybe, at the edge of the envelope, turning up a BGP session and testing that, too :-) I'd suggest talking to your sales rep to see if the "Free Install" promo extended to off-hours activations, or better yet, beat your sales rep up and see what happens... We did off-hours turnups for our customers if they requested it. jms