Hi there, no that is not normal. How long is the cat5 between the two? Also, with a hub you should normally see collisions but not crc errors. On Tue, 7 Jan 2003, Drew Weaver wrote:
Hi, this is kind of a newbie question but this doesn't make a whole lot of sense :P
I have an etherstack hub connected to a FastEthernet port on a cisco 3660 router, these are the stats when I do a show int fast0/0:
5776 input errors, 5776 CRC, 2717 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored
Whats weird is I just cleared the counters 12 minutes ago, and already there are almost 6000 CRC errors. This connected via a standard Cat5 ethernet cable, I have tried replacing the cable to noavail.
Is this a fairly normal situation, If so that's great, but it seemed rather ridiculous to me, and if it is not a normal situation, what would cause this?
Any ideas are appreciated. Thanks, -Drew Weaver