On Sat, Apr 18, 1998 at 12:39:29PM -0500, Dan Boehlke wrote:
On Sat, 18 Apr 1998, Alex P. Rudnev wrote:
Why don't use the filter deny icmp any echo-request on the incoming lines? It just block 99.999% of this smurf amplifiers; and I hardly think someone eve sence this restriction for the real PING tests. What about people who didn't subnet their class B on the eight bit boundry, but made larger subnets instead? What about the class B that doesn't appear to be subnetted at all? What about supernetted class C networks? A trailing .255 can be a valid host.
Yes, Dan, but any potential smurf-_amplifier_ who might need to do this _knows_ this about _their own network_, and can adjust accordingly. Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth jra@baylink.com Member of the Technical Staff Unsolicited Commercial Emailers Sued The Suncoast Freenet "Two words: Darth Doogie." -- Jason Colby, Tampa Bay, Florida on alt.fan.heinlein +1 813 790 7592 Managing Editor, Top Of The Key sports e-zine ------------ http://www.totk.com