From: Justin M. Streiner [mailto:streiner@cluebyfour.org] Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2014 6:02 PM
If you find the answer, you win the prize.
Can the prize be the Verizon employees that should have been keeping us in the loop on this in a dunk tank ;)?
I've tried shaking numerous trees (front-line customer service, my VZB sales person for $dayjob, other people I know who work at Verizon, etc...) to get an answer on this and each time I got different responses.
Same story, I've tried many different avenues over the past couple of years with no luck. You'd think somebody on the list would be friends with a Verizon employee in the know they could take out and get drunk and wheedle something out of :). Or have sufficient business with Verizon to have enough clout to demand an answer <sigh>.