Forwarded from the end2end-interest list. - ferg -- Paul Barford <pb@cs.wisc.edu> wrote: All, It is our pleasure to announce the availability of the Wisconsin Advance Internet Laboratory (WAIL) for open use by the network research community. With support from our partners at Cisco, Intel, University of Utah, NSF, and Internet2 we have extended the Emulab user interface to enable remote access and use of 80 PC's and 34 IP routers (see list below). The remote interface - called Schooner - enables users to connect PC's to fixed configurations of routers (or in PC-only configurations like traditional Emulab) thereby creating testbeds suitable for a range of experiments. Like Emulab, the PC's come with a basic set of tools and can be modified by users with their own experimental code. At present, we offer a library of fixed router configuration principally comprised of simple topologies such as dumbells. We can offer limited support in terms of creating customized topologies and are in the process of expanding the topology library to make all systems generally available. Schooner has documentation which should enable users to get up and running with basic configurations, but we emphasize that the environment is a work in progress. We look forward to supporting projects to the extent that our resources allow and hope you will find this environment useful in your work. Please feel free to access the lab via: http://www.schooner.wail.wisc.edu Best, Paul Barford - director Chris Alfeld Ana Bizarro Dave Plonka Current WAIL Equipment List (new equipment is added on a regular basis - if there is something you need, let us know - we may have it): 80 PC's: Intel 2Ghz Pentium 4, 1GB RAM, Intel 1Gbps NIC 6 Cisco GSR 12000: OC48, OC12, OC3, Gig, FE interfaces 4 Cisco 7500: OC3, GE, FE, Serial interfaces 10 Cisco 7300: GE interfaces 5 Cisco 7200: GE, FE, OC3, Serial interfaces 5 Cisco 3600: FE interfaces 4 Cisco 2600: FE interfaces -- "Fergie", a.k.a. Paul Ferguson Engineering Architecture for the Internet fergdawg@netzero.net or fergdawg@sbcglobal.net ferg's tech blog: http://spaces.msn.com/members/fergdawg/