Curtis, that was very helpful -- thank you! If I could ask a few further questions. You said: "The RIPE database was a better format since the PRDB was AS690 specific." May I ask: Is AS690 the Autonomus System number for ANS? I understand indeed that the PRDB was ANS specific but how exactly did that make the Ripe Database a better format? If it was a better format, it couldn't be used because the PRDB had components that were not transferrable to RIPE? Are you saying that to transfer the ANS database into RIPE format would have taken a very sizable number of person months? Just testing whether I understand you correctly. Glad to know that you think nanog is appropriate for this discussion. I am trying to understand where we are at this point and am not trying to saddle any particular person or entity with any blame. You are being helpful and I appreciate that. ********************************************************************* Gordon Cook, Editor & Publisher Subscriptions: Individ-ascii $85 The COOK Report on Internet Individ. hard copy $150 431 Greenway Ave, Ewing, NJ 08618 USA Small Corp & Gov't $200 (609) 882-2572 Corporate $350 Internet: cook@cookreport.com Corporate Site Lic. $650 http://pobox.com/cook/ for new COOK Report Glossary of Internet terms *********************************************************************