Recycled alarmism... now get back to enjoying your bout of swine flu. On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 12:55 PM, J.D. Falk <jdfalk-lists@cybernothing.org>wrote:
'Experts predict that consumer demand, already growing at 60 per cent a year, will start to exceed supply from as early as next year because of more people working online and the soaring popularity of bandwidth-hungry websites such as YouTube and services such as the BBC’s iPlayer.
It will initially lead to computers being disrupted and going offline for several minutes at a time. From 2012, however, PCs and laptops are likely to operate at a much reduced speed, rendering the internet an “unreliable toy”.'
(I don't even know where to start.)
-- J.D. Falk Return Path Inc http://www.returnpath.net/