On 2/18/20 2:25 PM, Matt Hoppes wrote:
Power goes out and the pole mounted nodes go out eventually.
Where "eventually" seems to vary a LOT. I've observed hold up times as long as 8+ hours all the way down to "well, I guess there was a minor power glitch at the nearest power injection point because it dropped everything for 30 seconds while stuff came back up". Lots of factors seem to play in this both in terms of design and maintenance. For a while, some MSOs took their job seriously as they were offering relatively popular business-oriented voice products. MSOs targeting only consumer service and still in the mindset of linear TV (or having not touched their plant since that was the major use case) often have no battery at all. The same seems true of many FTTN deployments. Hold-up time on nodes varies a lot. The older the deployment, the more design hold-up time it seems to have, but of course maintenance varies a lot. Newer deployments, especially fiber-to-the-curb often have essentially no hold-up at the local node unless it's back powered from the customer prem (in which case the customer can keep it up themselves). -- Brandon Martin