From: randy@psg.com (Randy Bush)
Date Prefixes 171196 40844 171196 40868 181196 40933 191196 42076 201196 40674 211196 40583 221196 40525
Tony, I suspect that you and your weekly report are, in a large part, responsible for this. I thank you. Our routers thank you.
Date Prefixes 280996 42250 290996 42040 300996 42235 011096 42228 021096 42249 031096 42109 041096 41894 Yeah, me, too! Comparing with nearly 2 months ago pasted in above, this is a fantastic trend! Down 1700 routes (except sometimes).
Frank, if you're out there, has the curve changed since Tony started publishing again?
One of the things that I'm curious about: have any of the "interesting aggregates" been acted upon? The list seems to be getting _more_ entries, instead of the fewer I'd expect. Perhaps I don't understand the algorithm. I find it hard to compare and check by eye. By simple diff, I can see that ANS and UUNET have been fixing them, since they've mostly disappeared from the list. But others seem to pop in and out, and sometimes spawn many where there was only one line before, particularly AGIS, MSEN, PREPnet and PSInet, all of whom should know better. Could that be automatically added to the weekly summary? "Recent aggregations", just before Interesting? A tally of successes that would be more clear than withdrawn route counts.... But folks _are_ withdrawing routes by the hundreds! WSimpson@UMich.edu Key fingerprint = 17 40 5E 67 15 6F 31 26 DD 0D B9 9B 6A 15 2C 32 BSimpson@MorningStar.com Key fingerprint = 2E 07 23 03 C5 62 70 D3 59 B1 4F 5E 1D C2 C1 A2